essential oils
Essential oils, Essential Oils Benefits

How to control body odour using essential oils?

The sun is in the blazing swag and temperature levels have become too stubborn to drop. All this heat is not natural; hence your body is not meant to deal with high temperatures like these. The natural defence of your body is sweating. Sweating is the process in which body eliminated waste products along with water to leave a cooling effect.

Human body combats summers with sweating which is a great phenomenon. But as this is a type of excretion, Human sweat has mild foul fragrance, hence leaving body odour. We you can’t control heat you can surely control body odour. Using body perfumes, body mists, deodorants, roll Ons can help you a lot. BTW do you know what the difference between all the above written names is?

Let us help you!

Body Mist: Body mists have low percentage of fragrance, and its viability has 4-5 hours.

Body Perfume: Perfumes have a higher amount of fragrance, and it is viable for 7-8 hours.

Body Deodorants. It has the least amount of fragrance and its stays for 2-3 hours.

Roll Ons: Roll-ons have a rolling ball that applies an even layer of gel or liquid to the underarms. They keep you from developing Odor-causing bacteria and keep you smelling fresh.

Pro Tip: Use Chemical Peeling once a month on your armpits for good texture and appearance.

Read On: Mini guide to perfumes with Kush Aroma Exports Oils

What essential oils are help in reducing body odour?

All citrus fruits, including lemons, are effective against odor-producing bacteria. Due to the fact that some citrus oils are known to be photosensitizing, you might want to refrain from using only citrus in this deodorant. They thus have the potential to burn your skin or result in sunspots. If you plan to spend time outdoors, make sure you check a complete list of photosensitizing oils as well as the labels on individual oils before making your choice.  

Other essential oils for bod odor include those with antibacterial properties, which help reduce the likelihood of odor. That includes the essential oils of thyme, tea tree, and pine.

essential oils with a base note. Consider adding one or more “low note” or base essential oils to your fragrance blend as another technique because the scent will last longer. Myrrh, sandalwood, vetiver, frankincense, or any of the other heavier oils will also be added. These will help the lighter citrus oils carry for a lot longer by blending with the middle tones in the fragrance.  

DIY Homemade Roll Ons

produces 1 ounce.  


Organic witch hazel extract, 1 1/2 tbsp.

Organic vegetable glycerin, half a tablespoon.

Himalayan pink salt, optional, 1/2 tsp.

9 drops of essential oil of hops flower.

Organic juniper berry essential oil, 2 drops.

1 drop of pure organic frankincense oil.


Witch hazel, glycerin, and salt (if desired) should all be combined in a 1 oz. glass roll-top bottle.

One drop at a time, add essential oils.

Protect the roll-top and cap.

To mix the essential oils into the mixture, roll the bottle between the palms of your hands.

As needed, roll onto the underarm.


Gently massage the area for about 30 seconds. Repeat the same process on the other underarm. Make sure to wash hands afterwards. Allow the area to dry before putting on clothing. Use this technique twice a day for best results. Enjoy softer, smoother skin!

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